Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi models

Raspberry Pi (1) Model A (256MB)
Pi Model A (256MB) specifications
PCB rev 2 (svg)

How to identify:
Connectors: 1xUSB, Composite-video (RCA), full size HDMI, 3.5mm audio out, full size SD card, Micro USB power, 26-pin GPIO-header

Raspberry Pi (1) Model B (256MB or 512MB)
Pi Model B (512MB) specifications
PCB rev 2 (svg)

How to identify:
Connectors: 2xUSB, Composite-video (RCA), full size HDMI, 3.5mm audio out, full size SD card, Micro USB power, 26-pin GPIO-header, ethernet
512MB versions are mostly those with mounting holes (rev 2 PCB)

Raspberry Projects
RPi Hardware
Pi History
Raspberry Pi (Wikipedia)

Raspberry Pi information

Official documentation
Raspberry Pi Documentation
Documentation / FAQs
How to determine CPU clock speed [forum topic]

Raspberry Pi clones

Orange Pi
Orange Pi
Banana Pi
Banana Pi
Banana Pi BPI-R1 (router)
Banana Pi BPI-R2 (router)
Banana Pi BPI-R64

SD-card images


BerryBoot v2.0 – bootloader / universal operating system installer



Sparkfun Raspberry Pi GPIO Tutorial

Raspberry Pi 4 – Getting Started

Setup a Raspberry Pi Web Server with Your Own .COM Using Google Domains

Other links

Disable swap on Raspbian Buster


Arduino Uno

GPIO video by Robert Paz (part of “Arduino Basics”)

Arduino Uno Pinout Guide
Google search for 'arduino+pin+diagram'
Google search for 'arduino+uno+block+diagram'

Arduino projects

OLED I2c Display With Arduino
Using the Real Time Clock
Wireless Temperature Sensor using RF Transmitter/Receiver
Arduino + MLX90614 IR Thermometer
640×480 Color VGA Video From an 8-Bit Arduino

Arduino projects for kids upgraded alarm by Manny Mechanix

Arduino courses by Robert Paz (RIP)

Arduino Basics
Hands-On Arduino
Arduino Assembly

Introduction to Embedded Systems

Introduction to Assembly Language

Hands-On Arduino Timers and Interrupts



Command line

Only Windows makes this mess (OneDrive)

This part (about cleaning up the mess OneDrive leaves for online-only files) has been moved to Only micro$oft makes it possible…


Backup windows userfolders

touch backupstamp
for dir in *;
  do ls -ld "$dir";
  tar cf "/cygdrive/s/${dir}.tar" "backupstamp";
  for subdir in "Pictures" "Favorites" "Documents" "Downloads" "Desktop";
    do tar rf "/cygdrive/s/${dir}.tar" "${dir}/${subdir}";

Bash basics

How to output a multiline string in Bash?

expr and if in bash (bash compare with expr calculation) (if -lt compare)


The most of the commands below are also valid for Windows 10, since Microsoft invented Ubuntu and bash in 2016.

Mount a partition inside a disk image
Source: https://ktln2.org/2013/10/01/mount-a-partition-inside-a-disk-image/
1: Find the start of the partition you want to mount using parted:

# parted /root/amiga.hdf -s unit b print
Pralloc = 0, Reserved = 2, blocksize = 1, root block at 262176
Model:  (file)
Disk /root/amiga.hdf: 268435456B
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: amiga
Disk Flags:

Number  Start   End         Size        File system  Name  Flags
 1      32768B  268435455B  268402688B  affs1        DH99

2: set up the loop device, and check it afterwards

# losetup --offset=32768 -f /root/amiga.hdf
# losetup --all
/dev/loop0: [2049]:1443765 (/root/amiga.hdf), offset 32768

3: Mount the partition and check that it is mounted

# mkdir -p /mnt/amiga
# mount /dev/loop0 /mnt/amiga/
# df -h /mnt/amiga
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/loop0      256M   66K  256M   1% /mnt/amiga

Mounting CD images on Linux

mount /path/to/cdimage.iso /mnt/cdmount -o loop,ro

Mounting .bin / .cue files on Linux
Is not possible, but the .bin and .cue can be converted to .iso as follows using ‘bchunk’ (Binchunker):

sudo apt-get install bchunk
bchunk cdimage.bin cdimage.cue output

Compare the Contents of Two Folders with the Diff Command

Can I make rsync output only the summary?
summary only in output

Print Column – Change Field Separator – Linux Bash
Remove line break

grep getting confused by filenames with dashes

HEX dump a file

Exclude directory using tar

Moving and renaming files

Rename files, replace spaces with underscore

for file in *.doc *.mp3 *.wav *.txt
  mv -- "$file" "${file// /_}"

More mass-renaming of files
If you, for example use some program to split a PDF document into single-page files, and that program does not name the files as you want, as in resultig files named as: p_Part_1.pdf, p_Part_2.pdf … p_Part_10.pdf, p_Part_11.pdf … p_Part_100.pdf, p_Part_101.pdf …
The PDFill PDF Editor (tools) does stupid naming like this (you have to supply at least one letter for the file names, and “_Part_” is appended).
Correct naming could be possible by using ‘convert’ from the imagemagick package, but when I tried, the PDFs got large and/or in low quality (converted to images and then back to PDF).

for file in *.pdf; do mv -- "$file" "${file//p_Part_/}"; done
for file in ?.pdf; do mv -- $file 00$file; done
for file in ??.pdf; do mv -- $file 0$file; done

The following search and replace is related to above, but can be used for other purposes:

Search and replace filenames in a text
Add leading zeroes to short numerical filenames (1.pdf = 001.pdf, 10.pdf = 010.pdf)

sed -E 's%/([0-9][0-9]).pdf%/0\1.pdf%' source.1  >source.2
sed -E 's%/([0-9]).pdf%/00\1.pdf%' source.2  >source.1

Another multi-step renaming I did
This time, I renamed the output files from Wondershare Video Converter, in this specific case the DVDs from “The Amiga Years”.
The converted files were in this case named lika:


I also made converted files with the subtitles, and these were named as usual with windows, appending ” (2)” at the end of the filename:
THE_AMIGA_YEARS_D1_Title_03_10 (2).mp4

First step: decide on how you want the files named
I want my file names short, keeping the disc, track and chapter numbers, later appending (manually) the title of the track, so in case for DVD1:
D1.03_02 (sub).mp4

When manually adding titles, I will append ” – title”:
D1.03.02 – David Pleasance – Releasing The Amiga CD32 (sub).mp4*
D1.03.02 – David Pleasance – Releasing The Amiga CD32.mp4*

The renaming process:
Be careful when working on your files. Always use a simple echoing command first to determine what will be done.
The common part of the file names for DVD1 is “THE_AMIGA_YEARS_D1_Title_”, and according to my naming goals, that part should be replaced by “D1.”:

for file in THE_AMIGA_YEARS_D1_Title_*.mp4; do echo -- "$file" "${file//THE_AMIGA_YEARS_D1_Title_/D1.}"; done

This will shorten the file names to:
D1.03_10 (2).mp4

This next renaming step will replace “(2)” with “(sub)”:

for file in D1.*\(2\).mp4; do mv -- "$file" "${file//(2)/(sub)}"; done

The last step will replace the underscore ‘_’ with ‘.’:

for file in D1.03_*.mp4; do mv -- "$file" "${file//_/.}"; done

Move finished downloads out of the downloads folder
Automatically move finished downloads of specific size (larger than) or any other criteria out to a mounted network drive with more space:

(windows steps)
Mount the share as usual and take note of the drive letter (in the example “S”)

(windows-Ubuntu shell steps)

mkdir /mnt/s
mount -t drvfs S: /mnt/s

The script (edit as suitable) to move the files out of downloads (my script is in the downloads drawer, which is also the cwd):

cd /mnt/c/Users/user-name/Downloads

Find any zip-files, larger than about 20MB, not altered in 30 minutes

find . -type f -mmin +30 -name "*\.zip" -size +20000000c -exec mv {} /mnt/s/downloads/ \;

Run this whenever you want to move files, or automate it as follows:

while true; do date;./move-downloads.sh; sleep 300; done

(Scan for new files to move every 5 minutes)

Finding files

Find directories containing matching files

find . -iname "*.pdf" -exec dirname {} \; | sort | uniq

Find the latest modified file(s) in a directory

To print the last 3 accessed files (sorted from the last accessed file to the third last accessed file):

find . -type f -exec stat -c '%X %n' {} \; | sort -nr | awk 'NR==1,NR==3 {print $2}'

To print the last 3 modified files (sorted from the last modified file to the third last modified file):

find . -type f -exec stat -c '%Y %n' {} \; | sort -nr | awk 'NR==1,NR==3 {print $2}'

Find files NOT matching search pattern
Simple.. use -not with the ‘find’ command:

find . -type f -not -name *html

Remove Apache-generated indexes after wget -m
wget web crawler retrieves unwanted index.html index files

find . -type f -name "index.html\?C=?;O=?" -exec rm {} \;

Finding IN files

Use ‘grep’
Finding files which does not match search pattern (use ‘grep -L’, as inverse for ‘grep -l’)

Delete lines in a text file that contain a specific string

Linux only

Mount smb share inside a user home folder

mount -t cifs -o username=theuser,uid=1001,gid=1001 // /home/theuser/storage

Where “theuser” is the a) user name on the SMB/CIFS server, b) name of the SMB share, c) the user name on the Linux system it will be mounted on. These do not have to be identical. The given gid and uid is for the Linux user that the share is mounted for. Also, the “nounix” option can be used for SMB servers with buggy unix permission implementations.

Enable /etc/rc.local on Ubuntu 20.04


Periodic – using it to run shell scripts

4.5. Using the Ports Collection

Ubuntu links

Ubuntu 16.04

Ubuntu 18.04

Internet radio with Linux

Internet Radio Players for Linux

MOC – Music on Console

Raspberry Pi Headless Internet Radio and Audio Player (updated)

Raspberry Pi Internet Radio Tutorial (MPD + 20×4 LCD)
