Recapping the Amiga
Recapping the Amiga (John Hertell)
Who does your recapping? (
Amiga capacitor list
Commodore Amiga Recap Maps & Capacitor lists (
Amiga memory expansions, repairs and hardware mods
Amiga RAM Expansion A501 RTC Battery Replacement (Read desription first!)
Google search for 'amiga+500+1Mb+on+motherboard'
A500 rev6a chipRAM mods (1MB on motherboard)
Amiga CD32 – Trash to Treasure (RetroManCave)
Commodore Amiga CD32 Pickup – Repair Part 1 (Not Reading Discs, Disc Not Spinning)
Solder Tutorial (Keith Noneya)
Amiga 500 With Battery Corroded RAM Card, how to replace corroded copper
Amiga floppy repairs
Amiga floppy repair (YouTube search)
Amiga 500 Plus – Trasig diskettstation?
Other links
Reusing the Amiga 2000 case for an Amiga 1200
Amiga 500 rev 3 teardown